Plant Identification

(Rated 11 times)

At a glance..

It is important to distinguish between edible versus poisonous plants, especially when you off the grid. This document contains information on the characteristics of different types of plants to help you identify them.

The details..

The book offers an extensive list of edible plants that can be found in North America such as oaks, pines, cattails, clover, mint and many more. However it also warns about the dangers of consuming unfamiliar plant species without proper identification or preparation methods. The author stresses the importance of using reliable field manuals with sketches and photographs showing leaf structures before gathering any wild edibles.

In addition to identifying safe-to-eat flora from their toxic counterparts, Survive Outdoors Longer shares practical advice on how best to collect roots/tubers (using digging sticks) or seeds (by making willow hoops). For example when working with rocky soil it's recommended that diggers are fire-hardened by heating over glowing coals rather than burning them outright.

The book goes into detail about specific types of edible vegetation like acorns which require leaching out tannic acid before consumption; grasses whose seeds need drying/parching/winning prior to being toasted/eaten plain/grounded into flour for bread; pine trees where pollen can be added as thickener or flavoring while cones offer easily extractable nuts once heated gently by a fire until they open up; finally cattails which have multiple parts that are all edible at different stages throughout its life cycle.

Overall this guide serves as an essential tool for anyone who wants to learn more about surviving outdoors longer through knowledge gained from nature itself. With detailed descriptions on what you should avoid eating along with step-by-step instructions on how best harvest certain foods safely - there's no excuse not take advantage of everything Mother Nature has provided us.

Resource Info

Page count: 21
Size: 1971kb
File Type: pdf


Survival Skills
Environment Setting
Health and Fitness
Time Available
Defensive Skills
Finances Available